Albiona Uka

My name is Albiona Uka. I'm a senior at Chief Sealth International High School and an aspiring graphic designer. I enjoy working with Digital Skills For All.

I moved to the United States from Albania in 2018. I speak two languages, Albanian and English. My dream has always been to be a graphic designer. I've been working with Digital Skills For All since January 2019.

I have learned how to code, how to work as part of a team, how to communicate with others, and I'm learning how to create games and do website development, I also enjoy learnign new stuff and challenging myself. I'm a really friendly person, and I communicate well with others.

Albiona Uka

Motivated student with a strong work ethic. Demonstrable qualities include positive teamwork, good communication, problem solving skills, and creativity. Seeking to apply my graphic design and coding skills to an internship program where I can continue to grow and improve my skills.


Chief Sealth International High School | GPA: 3.9/4.0

RecTech/Digital Skills For All Initiative Job Training

Coding, Programming, Graphic Design, Adobe Photoshop, Website, Game, and Chat Bot Development


Facebook "Engineer for the Week" Achievement Summit | May 1 - 4 2019

As a national finalist I participated in a Hackathon with 20 groups from around the country and created a game with a social impact.


  • Scratch
  • Trinket
  • WIX
  • JavaScript
  • Chat Fuel


Computer Engineering Competition

Engineer for the Week Finalist for Chat Bot and Games | May 2019

Certificates of Completion

Winter/Spring Quarter Digital Skills for All Tech Job Training Program


Certificate of Recognition

Chief Sealth International High School | June 2019

My Interests In Tech

Graphic Design

Web Development

Game Development

My Projects

Achievement of Equality Game

We built this game to show the importance of gender equality and how it's a huge problem around the world.
Programmed in Scratch

View Game

Achievement of Equality

On this website, you will learn more about this important topic and it will give you access to take action to help end this problem. You will also have a game that will entertain the users and also inform them and give them more information about gender equality.
Programmed in HTML, CSS, & Javascript

View Web App

Children's Intelligence Agency

Create a user account to sign in.
Programmed in HTML, CSS, & Javascript

View Web App

To-Do List

Create a full to-do list while relaxing to soothing music.
Programmed in HTML, CSS, & Javascript

View Web App

The Journey of the Homeless Man

This is a game about the daily life of a homeless man.
Programmed in Scratch

Play Game

Check Out More of Our Projects