Victoria Ulm

About Me

My name is Victoria Ulm. I'm a senior at Roosevelt High School. I currently work for Juma while I'm doing an apprentanceship with Computing For All. I rowed for Green Lake Crew for five years and I was in their Varsity woman's boat for 2 years. I have built my own computer and I play video games as a hobby. I also plan to learn how to skateboard during the time of COVID-19. I live with my aunt and uncle in Seattle, WA after I lived in Kenmore. I went from Arrowhead Elementary, to Eckstein Middle School, to my current school.

Here's a list of random websites I like


I like to do alot of things including playing video games, photography, and learning new things. I'm trying to make a youtube channel just for fun, I want to learn how to skateboard, and I already built my own computer. I love to work on any kind of project and experiment with new things. The images on the left are(in order from left to right) Destiny 2, skateboards, picture I took from my instagram: @victoria.ulm, and Rocket League. I used to row but I plan on doing that in college. The community at Green Lake Crew wasn't the best.