Atiz gave us a first-hand look at how a business in the fashion industry can thrive by bringing tech into their business.
Four of us from the Digital Skills For All class went on a field trip to Atiz Fashion House in Tukwila Washington. As soon as we got there, we went inside the Atiz office and got a look at their workshop.
We meet Swati, founder of Atiz, and she brought us to a lounge area where we sat down and shared some of our projects and what we were working on. After that, Swati sat down with us and shared some of her work and how she designs special clothing for specific cultures. She talked about her own website that she and her helper created using HTML, CSS, and React. Then, she showed us a video of the other manager, Jessica, and she spoke about how social media is a very big aspect of showing people your work and your business across the world and people can react and give feed back to what was good and bad about whatever you're doing.
She also video called the creator of the website and he talked to us about how learning code and how every industry will always use the technology, so it will be so easy to find jobs, and he also explained some of the most popular coding programs like CSS and React. At the end, Swati wanted us to share and bring people's attention to what we are doing in class, so she started an Instagram live video and we each talked about what our part is, what we do, and how we are making an impact in the world.
We want to give a special thank you to Swati Padmaraj for
having us over at her office and showing us into the
fashion industry and how it's going to be a very big part
on our future.
Please visit Atiz website for more information.